
Ā Ā Let's start 2024 with a bang by Clearing the Crap!

Clear the Crap: A 10-Day Cleanse to Break your Sugar Habit and Nourish your Body with Whole Foods.

10-Day Cleanse starts on January 29th!

Cleanse Dates:Ā Jan 29th-Feb 7th

Registration closes January 21st.Ā 


Register Here

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Are you ready to break your sugar habit?

Are your clothes fitting a smidge tighter than you'd like? Are you nervous to swap sweater and jeans for tank tops and shorts?

Is your energy crashing, leaving you daydreaming about an afternoon nap?

How are you sleeping? What about brain fog?

Are you struggling with breaking the cycle of craving sweet and salty snacks?

Do you feel like your willpower has failed you?


Overcoming your sugar habit is more than a matter of willpower.

This isn’t about willpower - there may be imbalances in your gut and with your hormones telling you  you need to eat sugar. 

It’s not about mind over matter, it’s about gut balance.

Clearing the crap and nourishing your body with whole foods is the first step in resetting your gut health and correcting that imbalance. 

Put yourself on track to:

  • Bust your bloating so your clothes fit better
  • Wake up rested with energy lasting you through the day
  • Change your relationship with food
  • Understand how to nourish your body and recognize what your body actually craves
  • End your sugar and salty snack habit by setting yourself up to reset your gut health

…all in 10 days!

YES, I'm In!

Are you ready to put an end to sugar cravings and
clear the crap?

Are you ready to recognize what your body is actually craving and gain confidence in understanding how to not overindulge in the future?


In just 10 days you will experience...

an increase in energy, better sleepmental clarity, and reduced bloating so your clothes fit better. Get ready to gain a better understanding of how to not overindulge in the future by knowing how to nourish and recognize what your body is actually craving.  


And guess what?

These 10 days of clearing the crap are not going to totally suck.

I not only got you, but I'll also be doing the cleanse alongside you!


I will provide:

2 Live Group Sessions

āœ” Pre-Cleanse Kick-off so you’ll be prepared and know what to expect.

āœ” After Cleanse party with next steps to reintroduce foods and make this truly a part of your life. This isn’t just a 10-Day Cleanse, it’s a way of life. For real.

Accountability And Daily Support

Through community chat and daily emails with journal prompts and action items.

Shopping Lists

To get you prepared for the Cleanse so you have the necessary supplies on hand.

Prep is key for success.

Recipe Books

For during the cleanse and after because we’re eating real food, pals.

Pre-Cleanse Guidance

To start weaning off coffee, gluten, and other sugar so you don’t go into this cold-turkey and minimize the dreaded crappy detox symptoms.

Daily Schedule

To plan out the steps you need to take that day, broken down into actionable steps, recipes, suggestions for daily living, and more.


For questions, clarification, wins, struggles, support, and where we share favorite “cleanse approved” recipes.

Fun and Laughs

There might be some lame (per some opinions) jokes along the way because getting healthy doesn’t have to suck!

Why Melanie is your Crap Clearing Companion

After 20+ years of healthcare experience, I’ve figured out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to taking the first step in implementing change for better health. Guess what? Contrary to what your doctor may have told you, it’s not “because you’re getting older and you just eat less and exercise.”

In the past, this cleanse is something I’ve only offered to my private clients. It has been a critical step in jumpstarting their transformations over and over again.

Now it’s time to share the love! By sharing my knowledge and expertise, I help to empower people to make positive changes in their lives and improve their health. All done in a way that doesn’t suck.

Whether you work directly with me or not, Clear the Crap Cleanse will get you back on track and jumpstart your wellness voyage!

Letā€™s do it!

Hereā€™s the Down and Dirty on Clear the Crap 10-Day Cleanse

November 27 - December 6, 2023



One-Time Payment

  • Live Kick Off Session on November 17, 2023 Ā 11:00 am MST/1:00 pm EST

    Ā To introduce the cleanse, discuss the best practices for success, how to prepare, and how to access community support.

  • CleanseĀ runs Nov 27th - Dec 6thĀ 

  • 10-Day Cleanse Step-by-Step Guide

  • Cleanse Approved Recipe Books and Guidance on how to modify existing recipes/create your own

  • 10-days of emails with journal prompts and discussion ideas for the community

  • Daily support in the community for your questions and any clarification as you implement. Share your wins! Where the fun happens!

  • Live After Party Zoom Session on December 4, 2023 12:00 pm MST/2:00 pm EST

    For the Next Steps to talk about Reintroducing Food and making this a permanent part of your life. This isnā€™t just a 10-Day Cleanse, itā€™s a way of life. For real.

  • Prebiotic Gut Support supplement included ($49 value)

Get started on Clearing the Crap and Breaking your Sugar Habit.
Register Here

Need some peace of mind?

I guarantee you will have fun as we go through this together, and IT WON’T SUCK! (much)

Join "Clear the Crap: A 10-Day Cleanse" and REGISTER before...









Past Cleanse Testimonials

"Getting off the sugar was such a huge step.

The cleanse and breaking the sugar habit has been the jumping-off point for removing over 45 lbs!

I am no longer prediabetic and my cholesterol is under 200 for the first time ever. My joint pain has decreased, and I have much more energy."

- Meredith C 

(After Meredith continued with new habits she formed during cleanse. This obviously didn’t happen in 10 days :))


"After the cleanse I am sleeping more soundly, more rested in the mornings, clearer, more vibrant complexion, better mood and I handle stress better! I woke up full of gratitude.

It was a nice surprise!"

- Loni R.

"My favorite thing about this cleanse is how much more confident I feel in a way...

...confident that I can go and do things and make decent choices and not feel like death afterward and confident in my ability to say no to things like a glass of wine."

- Katelyn H.


If you’re ready to feel better in your clothes, have more energy & mental clarity, sleep better, have clearer skin, and have the confidence to understand what foods nourish your body, then let’s Clear the Crap.


Get started on Clearing the Crap and Breaking your Sugar Habit! Grab a buddy, and let's do this!


Register before 11:55 pm Mountain Time Zone on Sunday May 7th! 

Register Here

Past Client Testimonials

"I'm ready to conquer the world!


It's nice to have the energy to do things I had been putting off like scrubbing the bathroom floors and cleaning out the trunk of my car.


Joy Joy Joy!

- Katelyn H.

"I am feeling really good!

I've lost almost 4lbs and my headaches have subsided.  Pre-planning meals has been a lifesaver for me. 

This cleanse has gone much smoother than any other cleanse I've tried in the past."

- Kristin

"My wins from the weekend - we’re eating out twice and sticking to the cleanse. 

I really didn’t feel tempted by some of the normally-very-tempting things my family members ordered. I’ve also become a LOT more mindful about eating off my kid's plates which I had been super lazy about before the cleanse."

- Past Cleanse Champion

NOTICE THAT SERVICES ARE NOT PRIMARY CARE: I understand that no physician or any other practitioner or affiliate I see at Crossable Health is acting as my primary care provider. As such, emergency services are not offered. I understand that even though my physician(s) and Crossable Health may address issues affecting my general health, the practice is focused on a complementary, functional, holistic approach to health care and it is required to have a primary care physician to ensure that I am fully appraised of all available conventional means to address any medical conditions that I may have.